Friday, May 8, 2009

Video Game Tester - The Step To Find Your Right Company

The console you use for being a video game tester is vital to your success. Your not going to look for a game testing job for a pc when you don't own one.

So in order to to better succeed in this field, here is a one step process to help you find your right company:

1. Finding your console

Before you start applying to 50 different jobs, you should first consider this first step, finding your console. The company isn't going to hire you if you don't know much about the console the company uses. Why should a company hire a person who specializes in the wii when they sell games for the xbox?

So the first step is to find out what console you specialize in and apply for jobs that use that console. Be specialize, I mean, you know the tricks of the trades and you know how to adapt to the games easily without learning new buttons. This console is usually the console that you play most often.

If your the gamer that knows everything about every console, then please, apply to everything that you think you can understand, but if your not this all knowing gamer, then I suggest you focus on the console you know the best.

That's it. It's as simple as that. You might say, that's way to simple. But this career is just that simple. Find your console and apply to the company that uses that console. It's common sense, but most people just skip this step and apply to different companies that use console's that they don't specialize in just because of the money they pay. You need experience in order to get paid!

Get the only ecourse that tells you how to really become a video game tester, no lies or scams, by clicking here now!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

What is RSS Aggregation?

If you haven't heard of the term before, it might sound a little strange. First of all, why do you even want to know what aggregation is all about? Aggregation is...

  • responsible for literally millions of extra website hits for rss publishers
  • a solution that keeps hungry consumers coming back time and time again for the latest info
  • a way to publish thousands of RSS feeds content on one single website.

Aggregation, in the context of RSS, means gathering all the articles within the RSS feeds, with the purpose of displaying them as a single unit.

We 'aggregate' all of the RSS feeds, bring all the news to one place and then publish the headlines together on one single page.

How is this beneficial?

Because instead of having to view, for example, 10 different sites to find out all the different opinions on a topic of interest, an RSS aggregator will display all this information on one page.

Let's illustrate...

John is a big fan of Soccer, he wants to know all the news, all the time. He wants to know not just news, he wants rumors, he wants opinions, he wants to consume as much information as possible on the subject. So, how can we fill John's need? News aggregation is the answer.

Instead of our friend John having to browse all of the soccer sites with quality content (there are hundreds), news aggregation can bring all of the content to one place, so John can find the exact news he wants and all he needs to remember is one website address, instead of possibly hundreds.

Now let's view some real-world examples... is a hugely popular news aggregation website. They display information on all different topics, from 34,210 different RSS sources (at the time of writing). NewsNow then splits up this content into different categories and sub categories. Users can also use the search functionality to find information. At the time of writing, NewsNow has a world-wide traffic rank of 2,624 (according to

NewsNow truly demonstrates the power of news aggregation. NewsNow makes it easier for news consumers to find the news they want. Because of NewsNow, as a news consumer, you don't need to remember 34,210 different website urls, or make 34,210 different Google searches to find the information you want.

Robert Hall is the head consultant at Webbed Media, specialists in RSS.

To get a free report on how your website can benefit hugely from RSS, click the following link now...


Friday, May 1, 2009

Internet Marketing Through Video

There is one simple answer, Internet Marketing with video. I just want to compare some traditional tactics to internet marketing tactics.

First traditional marketing consists of things like creating billboards, paying for advertising on the TV, Radio, sending out post cars, creating coupons and it can also consist of flyers, large If you are a business owner, you know it is harder to get new customers then to keep the ones that you already have. So how and what is one of the most effective, and least expensive ways to get new ones?graphics on cars, and even bandit signs. Wile these strategies are all effective, and will get you new customers, and help grow your business, there is a problem. You are trying to put your business out in front of people, or traffic. You are trying to put your business name out there for people to see, and something that they can get from you where no one else is providing it, or as well as you do. This is traditional marketing.

Internet marketing is different in a few ways; first internet marketing is a great tool. You can see exactly where all the traffic is, then place your company right in the middle of it all. When people usually are searching for something, they will type in Key Words into Google. If you know what product or service they are looking for and you provide, then you can place your company right in the middle of it. The second reason it is different is because you can keep track of exactly who is viewing your video, what they type in to get there and where they are coming from. This is why internet marketing with a video is better then traditional marketing. There are Millions and Millions of users searching for products on the internet every day, with millions of dollars changing hands. Why not get more business from the internet?

It's simple, people are looking for what you have, and they just can't find it, so why not put a commercial on the internet where they can view it 24 hours a day, and 365 days a week! Internet video can communicate your business to people better then writing something down, so why not make an internet movie?

Author- Tyler Judd
Find out more about Internet Marketing Through Video Click Here! Or Visit Our Website


Home Biz Scams - Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed

"Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!" the phrase may sound familiar to you if you have come across looking to earn money on the internet. Obviously, it is half true, the absolute truth should be written "Turn your computer into a money-making machine... for spammers!" In this article, I will reveal the get rich quick scams business that is flooding on the internet.

A rich quick websites that offered a so called internet business opportunity that require no website, domain name, computer skill, and product. They usually come in the form of giving out a free report but with their PayPal payment link inside. Once you give them your money they will switch the payment button with your PayPal payment account but once the site runs for a few months their PayPal account will be banned due to their PayPal button shown on the website that proved to be 'get rich quick scams' which violate PayPal's policy.

The content of these website usually try to influence people to believe that they are not internet scams, multi-level marketing, paid survey, typing at home job, etc. Of course the business will never fall into these categories because they are viral internet spammers.

The content of the free report usually contained nothing worthwhile and benefit to you, but a sales hype that try to get you to join their program and make money by giving out the free report. There is no product for you to sell at all. The website you will use is belong to them so if you send your traffic to their website, the site owner will try to sell your customers with another product which you will receive no commission. That's mean you are working hard to help them generating traffic to their webpage and hoping someone will buy from your payment link.

There is an increasing number of this type of internet viral scams spreading across the 'world wide web'. If you happen to find any free report that require no product to offer you but a payment link replace with your, then it is obviously a rich quick scam. They usually get banned by PayPal. So I advice you not to get involve with this business, otherwise you will be wasting your time.

I have investigated some internet businesses scams. Pay for nothing until you have read this.

Author name: Alex Kijsiravej
