Thursday, April 2, 2009

Business Experience Verses Business Education

Many years ago I had a friend who was extremely intelligent, had a photographic memory, and finished university with top marks in business administration. He had all the credentials to get a great job.

Sounds good for the most part, wouldnt you say!! Maybe even a nice boy who you would want to marry your daughter!! Shortly after finishing school he landed a job working for the owner of this large company, whose business did millions a year in revenue.

The person he worked for was old world, very little formal business education, and built a wonderful business from scratch. He was shrewd person with tons of business experience under his belt. After working there awhile my friend decides that he can really make a difference in this mans business.

Here is what he actually did:

He goes into the employers office and asks if he could speak with him, the man says sure. He starts explaining that the way he is running the business is wrong. He enlightens him by reciting certain paragraphs out of the text books he studied at school, and tells him that is the way a business should be run.

The Employers reaction:

The Employer looks at him and says: I can see you are a very bright boy who has studied hard at school and learned everything about business. The question I have to ask is, if I am doing business wrong ?how come I have been in business for 30 years , never finished high school, supported my family, sent my kids to university. The difference with experience is you do not always believe what you read!!! You need to use your gut sometimes to know what is really right. I thank you for the education, but if it is all the same to you, I would like to continue the way I have been.

My opinion

I am a firm believer in education especially if you are going to be a doctor, a lawyer, or even a business person. When people study to become a doctor they must intern to get the practical experience needed to practice. Business is very different and can not be learned strictly through books and exercises.

If I was considering going into business for the first time, had very little experience, here is what I would like to happen for myself. I would hope to work for someone prior, who had years of experience, who would be willing to take me under their wing, and teach me real world business, and how to be savvy.

Arnold Nadler is a long-time entrepreneur and founder of The Startup Business Doctor, a private company specializing in helping new and small businesses get their company off the ground. Programs include professional coaching, franchise opportunities and inexpensive advertising packages. You can get more information at


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