Friday, April 3, 2009

Financial Planning Help - Control Your Shopping Sprees

One of the lessons of sound financial planning is that we must learn not to spend more than we earn. It can be hard to do. Most of us need emergency financial planning help in this area. We succumb too often to the temptation of shopping sprees, and end up having to pay credit card debt for years to come.

Yet saving $100 a month over the course of your career will make you more than a millionaire at retirement. Keep that in mind the next time to feel the urge to max out your credit card.

True financial security is not a level of purchasing power that allows you to buy anything you want whenever you want it. That definition would fit Imelda Marcos, whose thousands of never-worn shoes were a sign of great wealth, but not of financial security.

Mrs. Marcos was enslaved by her obsession for material things. If anyone ever needed financial planning help, it was Imelda Marcos. Her hopeless attempt to fill a life lived without purpose only reflected her profound insecurity.

She couldn't stop buying things she didn't need - things that accomplished no purpose in her life, things that produced no good for anyone other than the momentary thrill she may have experienced on her endless shopping sprees.

Her story may be unique, but it is not so different from the story of people in all developed nations today. We have a standard of living that is unmatched in history, yet many people with adequate incomes would not hesitate to describe themselves as unfulfilled.

It's no secret - you will not reach new levels of comfort, fulfillment, and spiritual peace by accumulating things for no other purpose than to accumulate them. What financial planning help can do is show you how to take charge of your life again.

You can't achieve your purpose in life without financial planning help, and as Imelda Marcos' life demonstrated, you can't be financially secure without a purpose to live for.

Learn more ways to pay credit card debt on the Pay Off Credit Card Debt website. Check out for more helpful information


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