Sunday, April 5, 2009

Content Rich Sites

In this article I would like to continue my tips on making money with Google Adsense. Many people are making great deals of money with Adsense but knowing how to do it will make the difference between a couple of dollars a day to a couple hundred dollars a day.

Okay the first question is going to be why would you want a content rich site? The answer to that is quite simple. If you have a site with plenty of information on it then people are going to want to stay longer on your site. If they really like it then they will also tell their friends and families about it.

If the info you have on your site is informational and interesting then people are going to want to stay there longer reading your articles. When there reading your articles their peripheral vision will pick up on the Google ads that are surrounding your articles. If people like what they see they will routinely check back to have a look at updated info. Thats why its so important to update your site at least once a week. I try to update twice a week if possible.

The worst possible thing you could do is not maintain your site. There is nothing worse than coming to a site that never changes. If you never change your site then people will look at it exactly twice. The first time and the second time to see if anything has changed. If nothing has changed you can bet they will never be back.

A content rich site is a site with tons of information with lots of articles on it. The site should be a specialty site with a lot of different issues to do with that specialty. The articles should be informative but they should be short enough to be read in 5 minutes.

I always feel great putting out new information for the world to read and learn by but we have to realize that we have these sites built for another reason. That reason is to keep people coming back to your site to read all the great info on your site and when they see Google ads that they like they will click on them and then you will start getting checks in the mail.

Its not colors and graphics that keep visitors attracted to your site. Instead its the content that you have on there. Your site can be full of all kinds of great affiliate programs but that wont work. What you need and I cant say it enough is great content. The information has to be useful, educational or all out entertaining in some way.

Dale Mazurek

Dale has been working on line for a couple years and is quickly becoming one of the newest up and comers in the affiliate marketing business. You can check out his sites at or or check out his ever growing blog at


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