Friday, May 8, 2009

Video Game Tester - The Step To Find Your Right Company

The console you use for being a video game tester is vital to your success. Your not going to look for a game testing job for a pc when you don't own one.

So in order to to better succeed in this field, here is a one step process to help you find your right company:

1. Finding your console

Before you start applying to 50 different jobs, you should first consider this first step, finding your console. The company isn't going to hire you if you don't know much about the console the company uses. Why should a company hire a person who specializes in the wii when they sell games for the xbox?

So the first step is to find out what console you specialize in and apply for jobs that use that console. Be specialize, I mean, you know the tricks of the trades and you know how to adapt to the games easily without learning new buttons. This console is usually the console that you play most often.

If your the gamer that knows everything about every console, then please, apply to everything that you think you can understand, but if your not this all knowing gamer, then I suggest you focus on the console you know the best.

That's it. It's as simple as that. You might say, that's way to simple. But this career is just that simple. Find your console and apply to the company that uses that console. It's common sense, but most people just skip this step and apply to different companies that use console's that they don't specialize in just because of the money they pay. You need experience in order to get paid!

Get the only ecourse that tells you how to really become a video game tester, no lies or scams, by clicking here now!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

What is RSS Aggregation?

If you haven't heard of the term before, it might sound a little strange. First of all, why do you even want to know what aggregation is all about? Aggregation is...

  • responsible for literally millions of extra website hits for rss publishers
  • a solution that keeps hungry consumers coming back time and time again for the latest info
  • a way to publish thousands of RSS feeds content on one single website.

Aggregation, in the context of RSS, means gathering all the articles within the RSS feeds, with the purpose of displaying them as a single unit.

We 'aggregate' all of the RSS feeds, bring all the news to one place and then publish the headlines together on one single page.

How is this beneficial?

Because instead of having to view, for example, 10 different sites to find out all the different opinions on a topic of interest, an RSS aggregator will display all this information on one page.

Let's illustrate...

John is a big fan of Soccer, he wants to know all the news, all the time. He wants to know not just news, he wants rumors, he wants opinions, he wants to consume as much information as possible on the subject. So, how can we fill John's need? News aggregation is the answer.

Instead of our friend John having to browse all of the soccer sites with quality content (there are hundreds), news aggregation can bring all of the content to one place, so John can find the exact news he wants and all he needs to remember is one website address, instead of possibly hundreds.

Now let's view some real-world examples... is a hugely popular news aggregation website. They display information on all different topics, from 34,210 different RSS sources (at the time of writing). NewsNow then splits up this content into different categories and sub categories. Users can also use the search functionality to find information. At the time of writing, NewsNow has a world-wide traffic rank of 2,624 (according to

NewsNow truly demonstrates the power of news aggregation. NewsNow makes it easier for news consumers to find the news they want. Because of NewsNow, as a news consumer, you don't need to remember 34,210 different website urls, or make 34,210 different Google searches to find the information you want.

Robert Hall is the head consultant at Webbed Media, specialists in RSS.

To get a free report on how your website can benefit hugely from RSS, click the following link now...


Friday, May 1, 2009

Internet Marketing Through Video

There is one simple answer, Internet Marketing with video. I just want to compare some traditional tactics to internet marketing tactics.

First traditional marketing consists of things like creating billboards, paying for advertising on the TV, Radio, sending out post cars, creating coupons and it can also consist of flyers, large If you are a business owner, you know it is harder to get new customers then to keep the ones that you already have. So how and what is one of the most effective, and least expensive ways to get new ones?graphics on cars, and even bandit signs. Wile these strategies are all effective, and will get you new customers, and help grow your business, there is a problem. You are trying to put your business out in front of people, or traffic. You are trying to put your business name out there for people to see, and something that they can get from you where no one else is providing it, or as well as you do. This is traditional marketing.

Internet marketing is different in a few ways; first internet marketing is a great tool. You can see exactly where all the traffic is, then place your company right in the middle of it all. When people usually are searching for something, they will type in Key Words into Google. If you know what product or service they are looking for and you provide, then you can place your company right in the middle of it. The second reason it is different is because you can keep track of exactly who is viewing your video, what they type in to get there and where they are coming from. This is why internet marketing with a video is better then traditional marketing. There are Millions and Millions of users searching for products on the internet every day, with millions of dollars changing hands. Why not get more business from the internet?

It's simple, people are looking for what you have, and they just can't find it, so why not put a commercial on the internet where they can view it 24 hours a day, and 365 days a week! Internet video can communicate your business to people better then writing something down, so why not make an internet movie?

Author- Tyler Judd
Find out more about Internet Marketing Through Video Click Here! Or Visit Our Website


Home Biz Scams - Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed

"Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!" the phrase may sound familiar to you if you have come across looking to earn money on the internet. Obviously, it is half true, the absolute truth should be written "Turn your computer into a money-making machine... for spammers!" In this article, I will reveal the get rich quick scams business that is flooding on the internet.

A rich quick websites that offered a so called internet business opportunity that require no website, domain name, computer skill, and product. They usually come in the form of giving out a free report but with their PayPal payment link inside. Once you give them your money they will switch the payment button with your PayPal payment account but once the site runs for a few months their PayPal account will be banned due to their PayPal button shown on the website that proved to be 'get rich quick scams' which violate PayPal's policy.

The content of these website usually try to influence people to believe that they are not internet scams, multi-level marketing, paid survey, typing at home job, etc. Of course the business will never fall into these categories because they are viral internet spammers.

The content of the free report usually contained nothing worthwhile and benefit to you, but a sales hype that try to get you to join their program and make money by giving out the free report. There is no product for you to sell at all. The website you will use is belong to them so if you send your traffic to their website, the site owner will try to sell your customers with another product which you will receive no commission. That's mean you are working hard to help them generating traffic to their webpage and hoping someone will buy from your payment link.

There is an increasing number of this type of internet viral scams spreading across the 'world wide web'. If you happen to find any free report that require no product to offer you but a payment link replace with your, then it is obviously a rich quick scam. They usually get banned by PayPal. So I advice you not to get involve with this business, otherwise you will be wasting your time.

I have investigated some internet businesses scams. Pay for nothing until you have read this.

Author name: Alex Kijsiravej


Sunday, April 12, 2009

PPC Advertising Optimizer - You'll Be Amazed How it Works!

Frustrated about finding these 'Golden' Pay-Per-Click Keywords in your campaigns? PPC Advertising Optimizer is probably what you need. If you look for a powerful marketing tool that'll help you to effectively promote any Site/service/product, you should explore the important opportunities provided by this one-of-a-kind technique. Want to find out how to get (much) more sales? - read the following report.

Quick overview

The following PPC Advertising Optimizer first asks you for a keyword(s) list, and then it automatically starts identifying on the top search engines all PPC-Ads that are being triggered by that list. From that point each Ad is being followed day after day - logically we believe that if it is shown for at least a week to 10 days, we can learn that there is a high probability that this marketer is getting a positive roi or he/she just likes to spend money for nothing. Now comes the fun part where you'll be able to know which Keyphrase(s)-ad(s)-landing page(s) is that 'golden' money-making combination.

Main advantages

By using this highly effective method we gain the following:

* Affiliates can easily and successfully promote on virtually any niche.

* Works for any language.

* Saves huge amount of trial-and-error time.

* Highly effective for researching new markets.

Article summary

When we constantly need to optimize our PPC-Campaigns, no doubt that PPC Advertising Optimizer is one of the most revolutionary tools that can effectively fulfill that assignment for us. There are so many other great benefits provided by this exceptional 'secret-weapon', simply because it offers so many opportunities that can truly help to our webmarketing success. It is time for an action, so at this point it is highly recommended to watch it in action as this is the most recommended way that truly enables you to evaluate the advantages mentioned in this report.

Learn how PPC Advertising Optimizer can easily let you have a profitable, fully optimized Pay-Per-Click campaign the minute it launches.



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Low Carb Snacks - What Are the Best Low Carb Snacks?

Low Carb Snacks

Since low carb diets have exploded into the mainstream, snack food manufactures have released a huge number of low carb snacks in recent years. However before filling your shopping cart to the top with these items it pays to be a little cautious. Just seeing that these snacks state 'low carb' on the packaging, does not necessarily mean they are healthy.

The following are a few points to keep in mind when next shopping for low carb snacks.

Low Carb Snack Bars

There are many varieties of low carb snack bars available in health food shops today. However not all of these bars provide much in terms of 'good nutrition'. In general most low carb snack bars are better used during the maintenance periods of low carb diets. This is as the bars can often contain a large number of calories.

Low Carb Shakes

If you are like me, you may prefer low carb shakes (or weight loss shakes) as a substitute to the meal replacement bars. It is important when taking shakes to read the nutritional information on the labels to get an idea of the content. If you are going into low carb shakes, you ideally need to make sure that the shakes are low on the GI (glycemic index) also.

One of the most common complaints of those on the low carb diet is removing bread from your mealtimes. There are some low carb breads available however that have added soy flour to their dough. (These breads are not always wheat free or gluten free however.)

Some great low carb snacks you may be interested in and also some useful diet tips and diet reviews for the best healthy eating and well being program for you.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Reverse Mortgage - Loan for the House-Rich But Cash-Poor

Do you need to finance a home improvement? Pay off a current mortgage? Supplement your retirement income? Take care of healthcare expenses? If so, a reverse mortgage lender will do wonders for you. With a reverse mortgage, you can turn the value of your home into cash without having to repay your loan each month.

When Is It Repaid?

A reverse mortgage is a loan taken out against your home. The best thing about it is that you don't have to pay it back for as long as you live there. Reverse mortgage lenders only collect repayment when you

- die

- sell your home

- or move to another house and live there permanently

What Types Are Available?

There are three basic types of reverse mortgages, and they are classified according to who the reverse mortgage lender is.

1. Single-purpose reverse mortgage

This is offered by non-profit organizations, state governments, and local agencies.

2. Federally-insured reverse mortgage

This is also know as HECM, or Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. It is backed by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD.

3. Proprietary reverse mortgage

The reverse mortgage lender of this type of mortgage is a private company.

Are There Other Differences Between Types?

The three types of reverse mortgages also differ in other aspects, particularly in their terms and manner of use.

1. Single-purpose reverse mortgage

This has very low costs, and you can only qualify for one if you have a low to moderate income. There are two drawbacks to this type of reverse mortgage. First, it is not available everywhere. Second, it can only be used for the purpose specified by the government or by the reverse mortgage lender. Such a purpose may range from paying for home repairs to paying off property taxes.

2. HECM and proprietary reverse mortgage

These tend to be costlier than the other two home loans. In fact, the up-front charges could be very high. These two types of reverse mortgage, however, are not without their advantages. For one, many reverse mortgage lenders offer them. For another, HECM and proprietary reverse mortgage lenders do not ask for proof of income or a bill of good health. Finally, these two mortgages may be used for any purpose.

How Much Can You Borrow?

In single-purpose reverse mortgage, the amount is set according to how much you need.

In a proprietary reverse mortgage or HECM, the reverse mortgage lenders offer amounts depending upon a combination of factors, such as:

- the type of reverse mortgage you choose

- present interest rates

- the appraised value of your home

- your address

- your age

Reverse mortgage lenders put a high premium on age. As a rule of thumb, the older you are, the more valuable your home is. Secondly, the less mortgage you have left to pay, the more money you can get.

How Will You Get What You Borrow?

A reverse mortgage lender gives you cash in several ways:

1. all at once, in a single chunk of cash

2. as a credit line, wherein you can decide when and how much of the money available is paid to you

3. on a regular basis, with the amount and schedule of payment fixed

4. as a combination of the three previously mentioned payment methods

How Do You Qualify?

To be eligible for a reverse mortgage, you must be at least 62 years old and must live in your own house.

If you are cash-strapped, a reverse mortgage may just be the answer you need. Be sure to research about this type of loan first, though. In loans, as in all other things, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Looking for a mortgage lender, particularly a reverse mortgage lender?

Visit and get a free mortgage quote today!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Content Rich Sites

In this article I would like to continue my tips on making money with Google Adsense. Many people are making great deals of money with Adsense but knowing how to do it will make the difference between a couple of dollars a day to a couple hundred dollars a day.

Okay the first question is going to be why would you want a content rich site? The answer to that is quite simple. If you have a site with plenty of information on it then people are going to want to stay longer on your site. If they really like it then they will also tell their friends and families about it.

If the info you have on your site is informational and interesting then people are going to want to stay there longer reading your articles. When there reading your articles their peripheral vision will pick up on the Google ads that are surrounding your articles. If people like what they see they will routinely check back to have a look at updated info. Thats why its so important to update your site at least once a week. I try to update twice a week if possible.

The worst possible thing you could do is not maintain your site. There is nothing worse than coming to a site that never changes. If you never change your site then people will look at it exactly twice. The first time and the second time to see if anything has changed. If nothing has changed you can bet they will never be back.

A content rich site is a site with tons of information with lots of articles on it. The site should be a specialty site with a lot of different issues to do with that specialty. The articles should be informative but they should be short enough to be read in 5 minutes.

I always feel great putting out new information for the world to read and learn by but we have to realize that we have these sites built for another reason. That reason is to keep people coming back to your site to read all the great info on your site and when they see Google ads that they like they will click on them and then you will start getting checks in the mail.

Its not colors and graphics that keep visitors attracted to your site. Instead its the content that you have on there. Your site can be full of all kinds of great affiliate programs but that wont work. What you need and I cant say it enough is great content. The information has to be useful, educational or all out entertaining in some way.

Dale Mazurek

Dale has been working on line for a couple years and is quickly becoming one of the newest up and comers in the affiliate marketing business. You can check out his sites at or or check out his ever growing blog at


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Students - How to Help Prevent Burglary

Students should take note. According to figures published a week or so ago, Nottingham is the most crime-ridden university city in the United Kingdom (outside London). There are two highly rated universities (Nottingham and Nottingham Trent), yet the total number of burglaries, robberies and violent attacks is higher than in any other provincial city.

Nottingham is currently the burglary capital of the country, according to new statistics compiled by the Good University Guide from the Home Office. Students, in particular, are vulnerable to being burgled.

Runner-up in the crime stakes for university cities is Manchester, followed by Liverpool, Bristol and Leeds. The safest places in which to study are Canterbury, Bath and Lancaster.

One in three students falls victim to crime each year however, it is fairly straightforward to help prevent thefts from the rooms occupied by students by installing home intruder security alarms.

Home security alarms do not cost a small fortune in fact they start from just over 15.00 are fitted with long-life batteries, no need for electrical wiring and have easy-to-fit instruction codes.

If you are sharing accommodation with others, it works out quite cheap to purchase a couple of these alarms to cover the hallway and perhaps the communal lounge area. Additional Keyfobs are available so each person sharing can have one!

Thieves breaking in to university accommodation that houses, say, five students could net a tidy haul of five TV sets, five stereos and five computers providing rich pickings to any burglar.

More information on the league tables and a whole lot more is on the Good University Guide Website.

Crime Prevention Products offer the Keyfob PIR Intruder Alarm aimed at helping to protect students and also have a vast array of Personal Alarms to help protect against the unknown.


Friday, April 3, 2009

AdWords Ad Text Optimizer - Get it As Soon As Possible!

By using AdWords Ad Text Optimizer you get an amazing opportunity to create profitable Pay-Per-Click campaigns in less than 7 days and at minimal cost. If you look for a powerful marketing tool that'll help you to effectively promote any Site/service/product, you should explore the important opportunities provided by this one-of-a-kind technique. Learn more about this innovative technology and how it enables you to advertise your Sites like never before.

Short overview

To make a long story short - AdWords Ad Text Optimizer is based on an automatic 'Research Algorithm', by providing it with specific keyword(s) it'll automatically collect from the top search engines all related PPC-Ads. From that point each Ad is being tracked daily - logics says that if it is being advertised for minimum 7-10 days, it shows that there are great odds that these advertisers are making money or they just don't know their job. After getting enough statistics you'll be able to recognize which Keyphrase(s)-ad(s)-landing page(s) combination is already making money for that publisher(s).

Main benefits

We could easily notice several good reasons to use this one-of-a-kind method:

* Perfect for those who use Google AdWords.

* Provides an important PI (Profitability-Indicator).

* Identifies the best-converting Ads.

* It enables us to easily defeat any competition on any niche.

Final words

When we constantly need to optimize our PPC-Campaigns, no doubt that AdWords Ad Text Optimizer is one of the most revolutionary tools that can effectively fulfill that assignment for us. There are so many other pluses provided by this special 'secret-weapon', simply because it offers so many opportunities that can truly help to our webmarketing success. By the end of this quick report the best advice would be to run it live on your computer as this is the most recommended way that truly enables you to evaluate the advantages mentioned in this report.

Learn how AdWords Ad Text Optimizer can easily let you have a profitable, fully optimized Pay-Per-Click campaign the minute it launches.



Financial Planning Help - Control Your Shopping Sprees

One of the lessons of sound financial planning is that we must learn not to spend more than we earn. It can be hard to do. Most of us need emergency financial planning help in this area. We succumb too often to the temptation of shopping sprees, and end up having to pay credit card debt for years to come.

Yet saving $100 a month over the course of your career will make you more than a millionaire at retirement. Keep that in mind the next time to feel the urge to max out your credit card.

True financial security is not a level of purchasing power that allows you to buy anything you want whenever you want it. That definition would fit Imelda Marcos, whose thousands of never-worn shoes were a sign of great wealth, but not of financial security.

Mrs. Marcos was enslaved by her obsession for material things. If anyone ever needed financial planning help, it was Imelda Marcos. Her hopeless attempt to fill a life lived without purpose only reflected her profound insecurity.

She couldn't stop buying things she didn't need - things that accomplished no purpose in her life, things that produced no good for anyone other than the momentary thrill she may have experienced on her endless shopping sprees.

Her story may be unique, but it is not so different from the story of people in all developed nations today. We have a standard of living that is unmatched in history, yet many people with adequate incomes would not hesitate to describe themselves as unfulfilled.

It's no secret - you will not reach new levels of comfort, fulfillment, and spiritual peace by accumulating things for no other purpose than to accumulate them. What financial planning help can do is show you how to take charge of your life again.

You can't achieve your purpose in life without financial planning help, and as Imelda Marcos' life demonstrated, you can't be financially secure without a purpose to live for.

Learn more ways to pay credit card debt on the Pay Off Credit Card Debt website. Check out for more helpful information


PayPal Shopping Cart

PayPal is one of the prevalent online payment processor in the world. It is a safer, easier and a convenient way to pay and get paid online. Buyers have a preference regarding the payment. They can sell-out their money through a credit card, bank account, buyer credit or by means of an account balance without giving-out their financial information.

The PayPal Shopping Cart is based on simple HTML code. All you have to do is to just enter the details of an each item you wish to sell into the PayPal's item form. PayPal is going to generate custom HTML code for each item you have put up for a sell. PayPal maintains a detailed transaction records on the website for review at any time. This makes the items to get vended easily. Other added advantage in addition to this is that PayPal Shopping Cart is easy to implement. There is no need of any complex computer programming to be executed.

PayPal Shopping Cart is devised for the purpose to make the PayPal payments to get accepted. It is an e-commerce business through which payments and money transfers are carried out. PayPal act upon the payment processing for the online vendors, auction sites, and for the other corporate users, for which it charges a fee.

When a person visits a website in relation to an e-commerce, they are fetched with the facility of an e-shopping cart which helps them to select the items which they want to purchase. This is to say that if a person wants to buy more than one item from an e-commerce website, they can select all the items at once and store it in an e-shopping cart instead of clicking on each and going through the whole procedure time and again. Hence, PayPal Shopping Cart is a unique, economical and an effective way which facilitate your customers to procure a range of items in a single payment.

Another significance of this software is that it easily computes the amount for you. Once the calculation of an amount is done, it makes an automatic order for you.

ITMatchOnline, an Outsourcing hub where provider and buyer exchange their needs. Looking for ecommerce shopping cart software for your website? Visit


Shopping for Baby Clothes

Bringing a new baby home is always a great excitement, especially if its your first baby. There are many things to shop for when preparing for the new baby and one of the most fun things to shop for are clothes.

The most important things to look at when assembling your babys first wardrobe are:

1. Types of clothes ?in order to have flexibility and suit all types of weather, you should make sure you have at least a dozen sleepers, a dozen shirts, half a dozen to a dozen bibs (a winter wardrobe should have more), 2 to 4 caps and half a dozen socks or booties.

2. Fabrics ?The most popular fabric for newborn clothes is 100% cotton. In order for the cotton to be soft enough you have to make sure it is combed cotton. More fashionable items will usually be made of mixed fabrics or woven. In that case, a cotton undershirt will be most comfortable for the baby.

3. Sizes ?Babys clothes are sized by month. Since not all babies are born the same size, and they certainly do not grow up at the same pace, some babies will fit into 0-3 months suits till theyre 4 of 5 months old, while others will grow out of them by the first month, so make sure to also purchase a few 3-6 months items in your newborns wardrobe.

4. Ease of dressing - dressing a newborn is a task that takes time and patience, so if you want to be able to dress up quickly, just make sure to purchase items that are easy to put on and are planned for that cause. Big and easy to fasten openings and comfortable buttons will do the job.

5. General quality ?good quality fabrics, flat and flexible seams and the right proportions and cut. This factor is usually something you learn with experience or other parents?recommendations.

Enjoy your newborn!

Michal Moreno writes for Krawlers baby clothes ?an online shop for baby clothes.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

High Credit Card Interest Leads to Bankruptcy

Is it any wonder why so many Americans are debt-ridden with credit cards? If you take a moment and analyze just what is taking place, it is truly no wonder. The temptation to buy it now and pay for it later has caused many people to mortgage their future. They wind up paying a tremendous amount in interest just to obtain the item or service now.

The typical interest rate on credit cards is around 12%. Some cards start out with a very low, introductory interest rate of somewhere around 1%. However, this teaser rate seldom remains anywhere near that low; couple that fact with a default or late fee and the interest can skyrocket to 29%. Imaging how difficult it can be to repay debt that is compounding at nearly 30% interest. The minimum payments alone can be more that one can afford to pay.

Due to this fact, many Americans are forced to consider bankruptcy. It is not something that one sets out to do; however, it can be a person's saving grace. In many cases, a person with no significant assets and mainly unsecured debt can gain a fresh start. Of course, there are some debts that cannot be eliminated through bankruptcy. Those debts include, but are not limited to, student loans, recent taxes, parking tickets, child support, alimony and debtor incurred through fraud.

An experienced bankruptcy attorney can advise on either a Chapter 7 of Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. The differences between the two cases are great. In a typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, the individual will receive a fresh start and will begin to recover from bankruptcy within six months to two years. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case, the individual enters into a thirty-six to sixty month consolidated payment plan to repay creditor. The amount being paid each month is determined from the person's income, expenses and underlying debt. In no event can the payment plan exceed sixty months. There are cases where a person is unable to file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In those cases, a direct payment arrangement with creditors is advisable.

Learn how to prevent Credit Card Debt. Beware of high credit-card-interest.


Business Experience Verses Business Education

Many years ago I had a friend who was extremely intelligent, had a photographic memory, and finished university with top marks in business administration. He had all the credentials to get a great job.

Sounds good for the most part, wouldnt you say!! Maybe even a nice boy who you would want to marry your daughter!! Shortly after finishing school he landed a job working for the owner of this large company, whose business did millions a year in revenue.

The person he worked for was old world, very little formal business education, and built a wonderful business from scratch. He was shrewd person with tons of business experience under his belt. After working there awhile my friend decides that he can really make a difference in this mans business.

Here is what he actually did:

He goes into the employers office and asks if he could speak with him, the man says sure. He starts explaining that the way he is running the business is wrong. He enlightens him by reciting certain paragraphs out of the text books he studied at school, and tells him that is the way a business should be run.

The Employers reaction:

The Employer looks at him and says: I can see you are a very bright boy who has studied hard at school and learned everything about business. The question I have to ask is, if I am doing business wrong ?how come I have been in business for 30 years , never finished high school, supported my family, sent my kids to university. The difference with experience is you do not always believe what you read!!! You need to use your gut sometimes to know what is really right. I thank you for the education, but if it is all the same to you, I would like to continue the way I have been.

My opinion

I am a firm believer in education especially if you are going to be a doctor, a lawyer, or even a business person. When people study to become a doctor they must intern to get the practical experience needed to practice. Business is very different and can not be learned strictly through books and exercises.

If I was considering going into business for the first time, had very little experience, here is what I would like to happen for myself. I would hope to work for someone prior, who had years of experience, who would be willing to take me under their wing, and teach me real world business, and how to be savvy.

Arnold Nadler is a long-time entrepreneur and founder of The Startup Business Doctor, a private company specializing in helping new and small businesses get their company off the ground. Programs include professional coaching, franchise opportunities and inexpensive advertising packages. You can get more information at


Are You The Next "Super Adsense Earner?"

The other day we discussed on the 3 basic yet important traits of Super?Adsense Earner ought to have before reaching the mega buck stage. By examining that group of super achievers for Adsense, we also discovered that they do utilize and planned out their strategy before hand, and improve it continuously.

These highly effective groups of professionals have systematic strategy in place that creates a network of sites for them. They would even go to the extend of outsourcing and automating majority of the little yet tedious tasks such as blogging, mass web page buildingetc.

Oh yeah, not forgetting in the area of Keyword?mining too. Often, they also dont look at the lowly paid keywords. Instead they would target their attention on higher paying keywords so that the investment return on their time and investment is well maximized.

For us the ordinary layman, we would not be able to follow everything single things these Elite?AdSense earners would do. But thats not the end for us too; we too can roll out some of the strategies in building up our income generating sites. Lets see what the areas that we could (or at least) do to help ourselves:-

1. Tap on latest tools or software available online.

A lot of people have the thinking that those Elite?Adsense earners are from MARS!! No way buddies, they are of no smarter than us the layman or average person. To me own surprise too, they are just another guy next door, doing normal things like you and me.

But?they are much smarter than us in one strategy, they truly utilized the latest tools or software available. They tap it to automate most of the very tedious tasks involved in building up their network of sites. They researched on the latest and best keyword, website creation tactic, and SE Optimization tools available to help themselves. These tools they are using are their Secret Weapons? Hey, everyone has their own secret weapon? find the one that best suit your strategy and utilize it.

2. Let go Fancy Feature

More often than not, people tend to try creates some fancy feature or graphic. Dont do that. Please keep your sites as easy and simple in navigation process. When visitors come to your site, your main objective is to get them to navigate and reach the ads. Dont let the fancy graphics distract their attention.

Well, of course you can integrate those fancy features in your site, if you are just building the AdSense websites for fun or to impress others. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of building this type of Adsense site is to have visitors?attention on the ads, and finally click on the ads, right?

If your primary objective is generating income thru Adsense, then please keep your site layout as simple as possible. Forget about the colorful banners, fancy scrolling featuresetc. Those are simple distraction to your valuable visitors.

But, I am not saying that you just simply put up a blank page filled with Adsense ads only. Dont get me wrong either. You still need to have those basic functions of a proper running website. Those are the basic features that a properly managed website ought to have.

3. Zoom In Your Own Niche Area.

Nobody could be expert in everything. So, choose your own area and concentrate on that. Of course, you may choose a broader subject or general topic as your main theme. Then, break it down to small little sub area. Example, some like to cook, so maybe we could target on cooking as general topic. Then the sub areas could well be Italian style, French, Scottish, Spicy Thailand Food, Japanese Sushietc. Break it down to many sub area as you could think of.

In this way, not only you could build hundreds of web pages or sites surrounding one key theme and yet able to be focused on it. In long term, this strategy could help to youre your burden in trying to find topics for your websites.

After you feel that you had explored all possible sub area for the main key topic, move on to build another main theme. Keep repeating this process. Dont keep yourself stuck at the same site unless there is a major flaw that needs to be rectified as soon. Treat it as a completed project that only need periodic review. Move on to build your network.

4. Quit chasing the Mega Dollar keywords.

Please buddies, you cannot and would not be able to compete with those SE experts who could create highly optimized websites aiming for the $100 payout keywords. Yes, you may get lucky once awhile but not in the long run. Not to waste your valuable sweat and tear, you would be better off concentrating on building websites for keywords with lower or mid-range payout.

For these lower and mid-range payouts keywords, the competition should be much lesser than those of extreme high range. Over the long term, your chance of success with Google Adsense would be much higher.

So, what do you think my valuable readers? Starts to do some researches and decides on your own targeted area. Utilize all the best tools available and pick the one the best suite you.

And finally, treat it like you loved one, your lovable business that is. You will reach your goal thru it if you stay focused and consistent. Remember the old saying, Rome is not built in one day?

Get Your Business listed in Biz Network Directory for business leads. Network sites consist Web Resources Search and Business Info Center are also business platforms


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Earn Money With Casino Links

Casino links are very marketable in comparison to other links that are sold on the Internet. Just be aware that selling links can give your site to be penalized by Google, in particular, that Google does not want content related to gambling and pornography, as they live in their so-called motto "Do not be evil.

I'm not a player myself or the owner of a casino site, but I think that even I do not, I still can exploit the potential of making money online from these types of sites. This is due to the popularity of online gambling and women is steadily increasing among Internet users and people with sites associated with these is to pour in a lot of money for their site to gain popularity and eventually earn money from them. Like online casinos on the scroll have a lot of backlinks. It is a good guide to games and online casinos, but nevertheless, it would be pointless if it does not have any traffic at all.

This is what needs to be taken by webmasters as an opportunity to earn more money from the Internet. One of my blog got an advertiser, who pays me $ 40 a month, even if this blog is just a month old before, and the advertiser still pay me that amount. If you can create a blog on gambling or anything related to online casinos, it is a great way to begin to make money blogging. Just be sure you put the casino-related keywords in your posts, so you can easily sell links in these types of markets. Online Casino, slots, poker, blackjack are just some of them. Then you realize how profitable casino advertising links will be.

Did you find this article helpful? If you did, then take a look at the step by step videos here


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earn Affiliate Commission From Your Off-Line Experiences

What many struggling webmasters forget is that pretty much any experience could be a solid ground for a profitable site. Writing about personal interest also adds other advantages; its much easier to write interesting content in an area you feel comfortable with and you - as you already know your topic - get much for free, no need to research for ever before you can make your site.

A very good example of a topic familiar to most is vacations. Almost everyone go on vacation, and everyone has opinions in regards to that very vacation. No matter if you had a good time or a bad time, sunny weather or two weeks of rain ?people will find it interesting.

Due to the high competition for travel sites, booking you airline tickets, hotel or car rental is often cheaper using the web. This is why the market for travel related keywords are so broad, thus making it more than possible to find a few good keywords to target.

Writing about vacations is obviously a good topic for a blog, but you can easily make a full site about it. Even if its only one vacation, one destination ?you can add information about sightseeing, shopping, night clubs or attractions.

How would this generate an online income?

Any site with visitors is possible to monetize, its just a matter of how. If you are running many sites of different niches, finding a good versatile affiliate program might be a good alternative to the obvious; contextual advertising. If you ?on the other hand ?are running one, or a few sites similar in nature, you should really try to find the best paying affiliate program you can. If you can send many potential customers to only one affiliate program, the importance of high commission is naturally higher.

In this case ?with a blog or website about travel and vacations ?the potential revenue is good. You have the opportunity to advertise expensive products, often with high commissions making the niche more lucrative than most.

Just as most people have opinions and experience from traveling, many travelers try to find as much information of a destination before going. This is an excellent opportunity to present them with products related to that destination, or to vacations in general.

If you are lucky enough to attract people looking for the information to choose destination, you will have the possibility to present them with even more ?on target ?offers. The potential commission on a flight and two weeks of hotel for a family of fours is very high. If you choose your affiliate program well ?and offer low airfares, cheap bookings and interesting information ?you will no doubted earn quite a bit of money.

Promoting travel related affiliate programs give you an excellent opportunity to pre-sell the products you are advertising. Many affiliate programs have a wide range of products, ranging from expensive all-inclusive packages to small guided tours on a particular destination. Take advantage of your knowledge and experiences. If you have been on a spectacular trip, a major football tournament or just have an odd vacation memory, be sure to write it down, join a travel related affiliate program and you will be sure to make at least a little bit of money.

Read more about using affiliate programs at Affiliate Ranker, or go directly to the directory to find an online travel affiliate program.


Earn Money Online Sensibly

You may have read or heard a lot of talk about how to earn money online and work at home. There are myths, suppositions, and facts involved - and it can become a bit confusing.

This article is just going to cover a few basic facts as well as some straightforward opinions on the subject, from someone who does earn some money online and knows others who work online full-time for a living.

The "get rich quick and get poor quick later" days of the Internet may be drawing to a close. Some years ago, there were people who practically became millionaires overnight. The methods they used were not always honest or even stable so they lost it all shortly afterwards.

Some others began making money online at that time and they continues to earn money online to this day. They might have even made it very quickly. Some were working online for only some weeks or months before they started to generate a considerable revenue.

It's true that there was a lot less competition back then. It was also more possible to take "shortcuts" which generated short-term spurts of income but didn't necessarily work out in the long run. As time went on and the Internet developed, many of these shortcuts were no longer possible.

Google, for example, has been continuously changing its algorithms. The service that Google wants to deliver when a web surfer types a search term into the Google Search Bar is: relevant results.

If a visitor types in "dog collars" the visitor wants to see relevant, high-quality, and informative websites about dog collars.

In the past, it was possible for various shortcuts and tricks to be used to get one's website to the top of the search results for "dog collars" - even if the website in question was not high-quality. The owner of that website could sell advertising. Or he could sell dog collars themselves. Thus he could generate a lot of revenue, as a result of the high traffic on his site.

Google wants to have high-quality and relevant sites at the top. So it constantly adjusts its algorithms in such a way that only the best can really make it there.

It's no longer a walk in the park to get high rankings for a competitive search term. You have to build your website over time. It takes honest work, consistent building, and standard search engine optimization to get it to the top.

This is one example of the statement that "shortcuts no longer do the trick like they used to."

Some people crashed and burned when their shortcuts no longer worked.

Others learned from mistakes or were just building and promoting their sites honestly from the beginning. These people were headed for long-term success - whether they knew it at the time or not.

Now - can I say that you can start working online and instantly earn enough to live off of?

Unfortunately I can not say that. It may or may not happen to some. It hasn't happened to me or anyone I know in the field of Internet Marketing.

So why bother learning how to earn money online or work from home in Internet Marketing?

Well, it may take long to get there, but when you do, it is really worth it.

If you start off with honest marketing strategies, good research, and a sensible tactics, and if you work on your projects regularly and consistently, you can absolutely reach the point of earning a full-time income online while working from home.

You could realistically even become like some Internet Marketers and bloggers, who earn $10,000 or more per month. Some even become millionaires but I won't get into that now. Different people have different amounts of success.

An advantage of working online is that you are not tied to a fixed income or an hourly wage. Another advantage is that your income is virtually unlimited. You do not have to deal with overhead costs, large start-up fees, a payroll full of employees, and the like.

But your potential is huge. Well - what if you had a website, and one day that website received tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of visitors each month? Just in ad revenue that website could earn many thousands of dollars per month. What if it grew exponentially and began to get millions of visitors per month? You get the idea.

If you want to get started at earning money online and you truly wish to succeed, I suggest:

1. Learn how to earn money online from an honest and inexpensive source. Don't pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for memberships or training, when you are just starting out. It isn't necessary and it's a waste of time.

2. Avoid get-rich-quick messages, confusing people, promises of "getting paid lots of money without having to work."

3. Do good keyword research before you start. Better two weeks spent on keyword research than two years spent on the wrong keywords. Learn how to do keyword research.

4. Work systematically. Apply tried and true methods. Don't disperse off into many directions at once, but finish what you start.

5. Make friends with other honest Internet Marketers. Share ideas and advice with them.

6. Provide good service. Give something in exchange for the revenue you intend to generate. This is far more effective than trying to trick or cheat the money into your bank account. A website, or any service offered online (if it is any good) provides some kind of service - even if it that service is only to provide information to those who need it.

7. Persist, plan, and strategize.

The funny thing is, it isn't even complicated or difficult. It's made to look like that because there are so many distractions, diversions, and dishonest methods being used and promoted. Earning money online is actually easy - but you have to learn how to do it. And that doesn't always happen overnight. Is it hard to learn? No. It's not nuclear physics. It's arguably one of the most user-friendly subjects I've ever encountered.

The more you learn, and the more you implement what you learn, the better your income potential will become. The sooner you start, the better your chances of success.

Find out more about how to earn money honestly at Honest Riches and Residual Streams of Income.


A Residual Income Business Built For Success Online

Have you looked around online to get a feel of what's happening out there? The good news is that there is plenty of room for everyone and the bad news is that you'd better move fast or you will be left behind. Getting busy, rolling up your sleeves and laying out a plan of action is a great place to begin.

Just look around and you are going to discover that just about everyone online has something to offer and let me tell you that this thing is big! When I began searching for information to help me build a residual income business on the Internet, I literally searched for weeks. A good suggestion is to think of it as interviewing the many different programs available to help you learn the process of maneuvering the Internet. A few Google searches and I landed upon the Veretekk Marketing System and was so impressed that I began the no cost training right away. This was a huge turning point in building my online business.

All in all, having a powerful marketing and lead generation automated system has taken entrepreneurs to the next level to accelerate their affiliate organizations. This professional marketing system is my #1 tool and has helped me to develop an Internet presence that would have been much more complicated had I not had access to the daily training that teaches Social Network Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and building a sphere of influence on the Internet. Those who are creating an online business will soon find themselves ranking up there in the Google as well as the other Search Engines by applying the training tips and tools and utilizing the system to get your business up and running.

It's no secret that I am passionate about Social Network Marketing and building my sphere of influence online is a very big part of my work at home business plan. This may not be for everyone, but for many of us this is how we are making a fine living, by utilizing the right tools, the professional automated system in Veretekk and applying the training to create my residual income business online.Here are some really good reasons why market my primary business online.

- I do not have to do "in home parties" to build my business.

- I never teach my team to strike up *sales* conversations while in line at the grocery store.

- We never have to post *work from home* business fliers.

- We will never have to "buy leads" or customers!

- Last but not least, my customers have found me by the work that I have done online.

To learn more about my residual income business plan and the automated marketing and training system that I use contact: Gayle Fox 269-930-2521 or


Friday, March 27, 2009

Why Tell a Friend? How Viral Marketing Can Generate More Traffic to Your Site

As a webmaster you know that it would be a great thing if you could get every visitor to 'tell a friend' about your web-site. Basically it would mean that for every 'told friend' you would be getting a FREE visitor, even better, one that had been 'pre-sold' to a certain degree, because their friend had recommended, or pre-sold, your site.

Even better if that friend told friends and not just a 'friend'.

But how on Earth do you achieve this? Because in theory, it is possible to create a self perpetuating money machine, if you can get each visitor telling more than 1 friend about your site. Actually, it's a little more complicated that that, because each visitor has to generate more than 1 visitor (and not all the people he/she recommends will end up visiting the site).

So, how on Earth do you achieve all that? Basically, what you need to do is to get every visitor to tell not just one friend, but many friends.

Assuming that most of those 'many' friends then come along and visit and then go on to become recommenders themselves, then you really have hit the jackpot. BUt how on Earth do you get people to not just tell ONE friend, but tell many friends? How do you encourage word of mouth marketing? We all know it's the best viral marketing out there, but it is just so hard to do.

The answer is incentive.

Yes, What's in it For Me? Is the old FM radio station and it's still playing nice and loudly today. If you can offer your visitors incentives to tell their friends, then assuming that the incentive is something that they desire, they will tell their friend. Give them more desirable incentives to tell more friends and they will tell more friends. It's as simple as that.

But not quite.

The incentives have to be incremental. It is no good if you say, for example, tell 5 friends and get this, most people will be put off by having to input 5 addresses. However, if the incentives are incremental, for example, tell one friend and get this, tell two friends and get this as well, tell three friends and get this as well, and so on. I'm sure you get the idea, it is not just incentive that works, it is the incremental incentive that is the magic ingredient in this formula.

Do that right and yes indeed, you have created a self perpetuating money making machine.

If you would like to harness the power of word of mouth marketing for your web-site, then sign up for Allen's viral marketing newsletter and 366 free internet marketing tips and secrets for superb unadvertised bonuses


Home-based Business - Are You Building Your Business on a Strong Foundation?

My current home-based business venture has taught me that Network Marketing is not a selling business. Network Marketing is a teaching and mentoring business. My success today is directly related the skills my mentors have taught me.

What type of training really works?

There is not one way to build a business, but you must lay a strong foundation before you begin to frame the house, otherwise there is nothing to hold up the structure.

I have pulled training from a variety of sources. Some of the most beneficial training I have found has been "Colors To Success" personality training, Understanding your Policies and Procedures and Compensation Plan, The 5 Pillars Training, & How to build a list.using a duplicatable system.

Colors Training teaches you how to relate to the various personality types. Understanding people will do as much to help you reach your home-based business goals as any other training available.

By understanding your policies and procedures and compensation plan, you can determine if the company is set up so that the distributor has a chance for success.

  • The way you get paid affects the marketing strategies you will need to use in your business plan to be successful.

  • Many companies have strict guidelines that you need to know about because they can and do impose sanctions up to and including taking a monthly check or termination if their policies are violated.

Consider the management team; know who writes your checks. You will want them to have built their own organization and network-marketing specific management experience. You will have to learn how to research them to find out this information.

Does the Network Marketing Company have a flagship product and is there more than one? One product isn't enough to sustain your business.

Do you have a duplicatable lead-generating system? Having a duplicatable lead-generating system that will work for ALL members is crucial to your success.

Home-based business owners must learn that this is a teaching and mentoring business. You are there to teach your prospects and mentor them, not "sell" them on your deal quickly.

It takes a lot of time and effort to effectively train a new person in your business. You are not looking for a warm body; you are looking for the "warrior". Warriors build Network Marketing businesses; warm bodies waste their money and your time.

The same is true for retailing the product. You must build a relationship with your customer and provide ongoing service after the sale.

Network Marketing really just means we can build a business without having to do it alone. By using the resources around us and "networking" with other people, everyone benefits.

Brenda Bunney

Brenda Bunney is married with two children who resides in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Go Oklahoma State Cowboys... and Girls. She is a successful network marketer who believes anyone can be successful with the proper tools and mentoring.


Business Management Coaching Tip - Beliefs Doom Business Success

With all the talk about a shrinking economy, a recession looming on the horizon, oil over $100 a barrel, a lot of business owners and those involved in management appear to be believing this talk. Accepting all of this negative business talk will eventually doom them.

A wise man once said: No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves. This individual understood through his own extensive experience that defeat starts within you, your thoughts and ultimately your beliefs.

What happens when you believe something whether it is the talk of so called experts to the accepted traditional knowledge, you start aligning your actions to those beliefs. In business, you probably make less sales calls because why bother since business is bad for everyone. Business Management Coaching Tip: The major news networks predicted 40 of the last 3 actual recessions.

Would Thomas Edison have continued his numerous experiments if he believed what everyone else believed? No! His response was "I learned 5,000 (or 10,000 depending upon whom you read) ways not to invent a light bulb."

Your daily behaviors demonstrate that you have less enthusiasm about selling, about conducting the purpose of business. People who meet you sense this about you and truly do not want to spend any time with you. Business Management Coaching Tip: Think Law of Attraction

A cascade affect begins to kick in. This affect has been identified as the self-fulfilling prophecy. You now believe the record playing in your brain. Your thoughts drive your attitudes that direct your actions. Now, failure breeds failure as much as success breeds success.

You are the architect of your success be it business or personal. Defeat comes to those who believe in defeat. And this wise man who uttered these words, understood the possibility of defeat probably better than anyone else in the 20th century. He was President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower who was responsible for the invasion of Normandy during WWII also know as "D" Day.

How are your leaders doing within your organization. Get this free self leadership skills checklist.

What other strategies are you using to leverage your human capital? This free customer loyalty audit may help better understand how to cultivate loyal customers by turning them into raving fans.

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, chief customer officer with offices in Chicago & Indianapolis, helps organizations through business coaching training services to return to the purpose of business that being building ravings fans while increasing productivity and profitability. Her clients double their results in 30 to 90 days. Call 219.759.5601 to schedule a free business coaching training consultation.


How to Install WordPress on Your Website

To install WordPress on your own server, you will need to download it from the site. Then, you use the FTP program of your choice to upload it the host site. If you happen to have Cpanel, you can use Fantastico to set up all your databases for the site. Just look in under the Fantastico icon in Cpanal in the Blogs or "Content Management Systems" area. It should list WordPress, along with a variety of different blog formats. This is a simple one-click installation and makes for a very efficient and quick setup. In total about a minute.

If you choose to install it manually, it won't take much longer - about five minutes. Since you will be flipping multiple web sites, you have to start to be organized by keeping track of all your databases and database names. You also want some way to keep track of each web site user names and passwords.

One way to do this is to buy an old-fashioned Rolodex and add the name of the web site at the top of an index card entry under the correct alphabetical letter. Then, add the relevant information for each web site on that card, from user names and passwords to anything else you want to remember. Then, when you can't remember the user name or password but have the web site indexed in your bookmarks, you can easily look for that web site name and find the right card to get you going when you are stumped momentarily.

If you are installing things manually, you will be able to tell what information you need to write down as you go. If you use Fantastico, the process won't be as obvious, but that doesn't mean you can't get the information by having it mailed to you afterward.

Here are some tips to get the installation to run smoothly:

- Use the public_html directory
By installing the WordPress blog to that particular directory, people will be led to the web site when they type in your domain name in the URL address locator.

- Fill in the title and tag line
Some people take forever to figure out what to put in the title. It's especially important if you're trying to optimize your blog for SEO. But, actually that's the reason it doesn't be as hard as some people make it. If you've done your research with the Google Keywords Tool you already know some great keywords that can be used to populate the title and tag line.

- Delete all extraneous information
WordPress will fill in some sample posts to get you started. You will need to go in and delete these. All you have to do is go to Manage Posts and then choose to delete any post you don't want.

- Add an interesting theme
There are so many different WordPress themes available all over the Internet. WordPress offers its own themes to download and use too at In order to install a theme, you have to put it in the wp-content/themes directory. You will have to use the FTP program to put the theme into the right folder. After that you will have to open the WordPress admin panel and apply it to the site.

- Change the PermaLink URL
You want to make the PermaLink search engine friendly by tying them to the post name. WordPress, straight out of the box, assigns a page number and uses that as a suffix to the PermaLink. This is not good SEO practice, so you need to modify it. You will have to log into the admin area and got to Settings>PermaLink and then choose custom to change it. The custom setting should be the following code: /%postname%/ . After you save, WordPress will give you some code that you will also need to enter into the site's .htaccess file. This is a security file that can be edited by downloading it, opening it in a text editor and inserting the code. Then uploading it once again. Or, you can use Cpanel to edit the .htaccess file.

One thing you should remember when you are doing WordPress installations for multiple web sites to use different themes. If you use only one theme and your prospective buyers take a look at more than one of your sites, they will come off like cookie-cutter sites, and no one values mass produced content or looks. By choosing a different theme for each site, you make each site look like an original, even if you've used the same process to create all of them.

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Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"


Hack Attack - Just How Secure is Your WordPress Blog?

People with Internet and web experience of all levels have worked to make sure that their websites, web service accounts and browsers were as safe as they could be from computer hackers. However, the hackers practice an old baseball saying which goes, "If you want to be a success you have to hit 'em where they ain't."

The weakness that the hackers have found is the WordPress Blog. Many may have never considered a blog to be worthy of a hacker's attention, yet with the way that advertising and marketing dollar potential have soared, that's what sets a hacker off on their hunt for a victim.

The hacker attacks on WordPress Blogs take the person who wants to come to a particular blog to a different site that's full of ads, many of them obscene and many of them virus filled, which obviously does not present what was the assumed landing point blog in the best light. One hacker attack, no matter how quickly it's spotted and dealt with, can destroy all the work that the owner of that blog has done. If it's a blog full of content with years of archive material, a hacker's attack will turn all of that work into worthless untrustworthy words.

The attacks launched on WordPress Blogs by hackers get even worse for the blog owners. Google, for example, when (not if) their robots detect something suspicious about a WordPress Blog will include the following in the search result for that WordPress Blog.

"This site may harm your computer."

If a person clicks on that phrase, which appears as a link within the search result listing, they will be taken to a page that will repeat the warning of harm to their computer and suggest that they go to another site or blog that came up in their search results.

Even if a WordPress Blog owner catches the damage quickly, the time it will take to repair that blog's reputation will be costly at a variety of levels. People will remember the warnings of computer harm no matter how strongly it's presented that all with that WordPress Blog is well. A loss of blog traffic will mean a loss of ad revenue. In many cases this could mean the loss of advertisers since many affiliate ad programs require a specific level of traffic activity.

WordPress Blog owners make the mistake of thinking that since the warning signs that their blog has been hacked are so obvious that they'll be able to catch the problem before it becomes a major disaster. They would have to be proactive rather than reactive and monitor their WordPress Blog every minute of every hour of every day. Just five minutes under a hacker's control can destroy the connection that WordPress Blog had made with the thousands of people who visit it at any point.

While WordPress does the best they can with security updates, that's still just a reactive option for the WordPress blog owner. There is a proactive step every WordPress Blog owner can take to prevent hackers from destroying the work and reputation of their WordPress Blog.

There are some smart and easy steps a WordPress Blog owner can take to better protect themselves and their work from hackers. According to James Stein, whose Internet and program experience spans 15 years, education combined with the proper easy to understand guidance can allow every WordPress Blog owner to avoid the horrors that hackers can create.

Stein points to a product like WordPress Secured which teaches how to close the many open doors WordPress Blogs contain which hackers exploit. It teaches how to find a blog's softspots and strengthen them. Users discover how to protect their important avenues of ad revenue. Stein says that WordPress Secure makes the blog owner not only more secure but more smart and aware about their blog. This idea becomes a stronger defense against hackers versus the old way of one plug-in after another.

WordPress Secure also includes a special feature that made this product stand out in Stein's eyes called BadBot Killer. This program stops the scanning bots that seek out a WordPress Blog's weaknesses that are the welcome mats for computer hackers.

Stein says, "Thanks to a program like WordPress Secure, WordPress Blog owners can gain the knowledge they need to build an effective defense against hackers even before they try to strike. It's the perfect example of how knowledge is power."

2008 James Stein All Rights Reserved
Owner of TheRichJerks.Net

WordPress Security


Google AdWords Marketing Secret - How To Discover Better Performing Ads

As a Google AdWords marketer, it is very important that you organize your AdWords campaign. Discover in this article, a Google AdWords marketing secret to help you determine ads that are giving you the optimal conversions.

Before creating your Google AdWords campaign, it is very necessary that you have different ad groups for different keywords that you are bidding for. Make sure that you have your Google AdWords sorted out into groups that are easily identifiable.

After you have done this, you can then move on to creating your Google AdWords campaigns. This is where you will have to utilize single ad campaigns for your Google AdWords ads.

For example, if you promote separate tennis products, you can determine which ads in their various groups are giving you optimal conversion rate. What you need to do is to create separate ad groups for tennis products like tennis shoes, tennis balls, tennis racquets, tennis ticket, and so on.

After you must have done this, you can put all these separate ad groups into the parent ad group, which is tennis equipment. That is how to utilize single ad campaigns for your Google AdWords ads.

Utilizing the secret above, you'll have your Google AdWords campaigns well organized and you will be able to determine which ads are giving you optimal conversion rates and which one aren't. Start implementing this secret today to get your AdWords campaigns organized. It will help you determine those better performing ads that will bring in high traffic to your site.

Grab this writer's free best selling article, AdWords Google Marketing Secret: How To Write Headlines That Pull In Prospects Like Crazy at my AdWords Google marketing secret blog NOW.


AdSense Generates Sizable Source of Income

Most webmasters know that AdSense generates a sizable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them use it to go after high paying keywords. They have with them the lists that tells what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed to be high paying keywords into their pages, the money they expected to come rolling in is not really coming in.

What is it that they are doing wrong?

Having the pages is with the proper keywords is one thing. But driving visitors to those pages is another matter and often the factor that is lacking.

The thing is, to get visitors to your high paying keyword pages, you need to optimize your site navigation.

AdSense is considered as one of the most powerful tool in a website publishers arsenal. It enables a person to monetize their sites easily. If used properly, it can generate a very large and healthy income for them. However if you are not using them rightly and just maximizing the income you squeeze from it, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table. Something all people hate doing.

How you can start earning money with AdSense can be done easily and quickly. You will be amazed at the results you will be getting in such a short period of time.

Start by writing some quality content articles which are also keyword incorporated. There are a lot of people given the gift of being good with words. Writing comes easy for them. Why not make it work in such a way that you will be earning some extra cash in the process.

For the last couple of months, Google ads has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google AdSense have already dominated the Internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.

The key to success is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost per click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost per click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting the computer and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why it has become an instant hit.

By earning some few dollars per click from displaying AdSense ads on it. Many are now realizing that good money is made from this source of revenue. Try the simple mathematical computation of multiplying those clicks for every page on your website and you get a summation of earnings equivalent to a monthly residual income with that little effort you have made.

This is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant and text based Google ads on their websites content pages and earn money in the process. The ads displayed are related to what your users are looking for on your site. This is the main reason why you both can monetize and enhance your content pages using AdSense.

How much you will be earning will depend on how much the advertisers are willing to pay. It will depend also on the keywords required. If the keywords the advertiser have chosen are in high demand, you could receive more dollars per click. On the other hand, low demand keywords will earn you just a few cents per click.

Ronald W. Firquain is a auto mechanic, musician, Arabian horse owner for 20 years, writer, marketer, entrepreneur, webmaster and has 18 years of computer experience. Computer tips


Credit Debt Consolidation - Take a Loan to Pay Off Your Credit Debts

Credit debt consolidation means taking single secured loan against collateral, such as a house or a car to pay off your long pending debts to different lenders. As such, the debts are consolidated into one loan, which can be paid gradually or consistently rather than at different stages. This option generally used by people to arrange payments towards credit card debts, student loan etc. The credit card debt consolidation option can even be worked out, if you have good credit rating with no assets, but you should qualify for such an option.

Availing Credit debt consolidation loan is definitely better way to meet your loan liability. But people should have regular income for their day to day expanses otherwise one can land into a situation of no return on account of accumulating loans and paying high interests thereof. It is on account of these reasons it is better to take proper counseling before taking such loans so that Credit debt-consolidation loan are utilized in true sense of the word to wipe off your debts by paying lower monthly installments. But always ensure not use this money on your luxuries. This option, in fact is meant for people with heavy outstanding who normally from their regular income are unable to pay their monthly loan installments. First, you should try to explore obtaining unsecured loan based on your credit scoring, but if you find yourself ineligible then only you should opt for a loan against your assets. In a way this is an appropriate way to get rid from paying high interest on your loans and additionally providing tax benefit If you can not are not eligible for unsecured loans or have no equity in house or automobile, still you can go for debt settlement or seek credit counseling. Like wise for Credit card debt consolidation, you can apply under Credit debt consolidation option to pay off your credit card out standings. You can consolidate all your credit card debts and pay off.

Bad credit debt-consolidation situation arises when you have multiple credit cards and use all these cards without realizing that at end of the month you have to arrange payment for the cards from your monthly salary cheque. It is on account of this reason you fall into a trap and have to shelve down heavy interests on your spending and you land in a situation when you are not able even to pay interest not to speak of principal. Thus your bad days starts with accumulating interests month after month and thus making you to go through bad times. It is under such conditions the Bad credit debt-consolidation can be helpful.

Debtips is the most comprehensive resource on Debt Consolidation Loan, Bankruptcy, Mortgage and Credit. It is just the right channel to make you finance literate and also helps in managing your personal finances. Visit Debtips and find all the information on

  • Debt Consolidation
  • Credit Report
  • Online Mortgage
  • Credit Report
  • Bad Credit

Debt Consolidation is the strategy to replace multiple loans with a single loan i.e. Debt Consolidation loan. Some Debt Consolidation Companies provides free debt counseling and services. Know more about Credit Debt Consolidation according to your needs and let it take care of your debts.


Avoiding Expensive Car Repairs

Quite often, a visit to the car repair shop can be even more painful than a visit to your dentist. Perhaps physical pain its involved, but some car repairs can leave your wallet feeling pretty empty and you with a bad taste in your mouth. The best way to avoid costly repairs is to take preventative steps that will keep your car in the best condition possible.

The first thing to do is to follow the maintenance schedule as outlined in your owners manual. The best one is always that recommended by the manufacturer and if you fail to follow those guidelines, your warranty may be voided for future repairs. Always be sure to change fluids, filters and spark plugs as the cars manufacturer recommends.

Upgrade your motor oil to a high performance synthetic oil, which can help to prevent certain problems and can also improve your cars performance.

Always be sure that your tires are properly inflated. This is especially important because tires with too little air, or too much, can result in excessive wear and may cause a blow out. It is often recommended that tire pressure be checked during every visit to the gas pump. While this may seem like a lot, you wont be sorry that you have kept your tires in the best shape possible. For reasons of both safety and the expense of new tires, this exercise is well worth it.

If you notice unusual noises on your car, check with your owners manual for information. Quite often, noises are perfectly normal and there is no need for concern. Your owners manual will let you know whether or not a visit to the car repair shop is necessary.

If you do have to take your car in for repairs, be sure that you are dealing with a reputable company. Check with the local Better Business Bureau and ask your family or friends for recommendations.

When it comes time to begin the repairs, get an estimate in writing. A quality repair shop will be able to provide this information and should also be able to assure you that the repairs will not exceed 10% of a specific dollar amount as outlined in the estimate.

The aforementioned steps will help to keep your car running smoothly and may also keep some extra bucks in your wallet. With the cost of gasoline prices these days, a few extra dollars can go along way.

Find more about Kelly Blue Book used cars value and many other automotive news and cars reviews on


Windows Registry Software - Fixing Your Registry Problems

The notion of a Windows Registry Software arises from problems and issues emanating form the management of the Windows Registry. It was a tool born out of necessity to combat the increasing errors arising from the ever increasing Registry database.

Fixing Registry errors and problems by the windows user is becoming complicated with every version of windows as windows user has been discouraged from tampering with the Registry if they lack expertise. This gave rise to the boom of Windows Registry Software

Registry problems arises from windows errors which makes some applications on your windows not to perform optimally. It might take some times to startup the system or takes more than few minutes to shutdown. These are early sign and high probability that registry errors are the cause of your PC problems.

Wondering how Windows Registry causes errors on your system and slow performance of your PC? The Registry is the database that stores on your computer all information about system hardware and software configuration, system and network settings, and user profiles.

Every systems process and activity, such as accessing, installing, uninstalling, working on applications, and configuration change, such as software and drivers installations with their updates, modifying display settings, changing audio level, and changing window size, makes an entry or adds a key within the Registry.

Generally, an entry or key when no longer used-after you uninstall an application or close a program-are deleted automatically from the registry. Now, most of the times some of these keys are either left behind and leave vacant spaces or Registry holes.

Over time, a large number of obsolete, redundant, and invalid entries and Registry holes accumulate within the Registry causing it to grow at an unwarranted rate. Eventually damaging, corrupting, and fragmenting the Registry.

A Windows Registry Software enables you to perform a deep scan to weed out obsolete entries, invalid entries, Registry holes, and fragments from deep within the Registry. An efficient Registry cleaner also helps you eliminate embedded Registry keys added by malicious software, which are otherwise untraceable and irremovable.

The best way to fix Registry errors is by using Registry Cleaner software. Registry Software are readily available for download on the Internet. However, you must be careful, I advise you do a simple search on their reviews before selecting the Registry software for your PC.

Read more on Tools needed to optimize your windows and Registry also read the article How to correct common Registry errors and How to Prevent Spyware and Adware infection

You can also view the Top recommended Registry Cleaners and The Best Spyware and Adware Removal tool


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Patio Furniture Cushions - Just the Thing to Make Your Outdoor Furnishings Comfy

The furniture on your patio is made from wood and it is not as comfortable as you would like it to be. It is only a few years old too, so it would not make sense to go out and purchase something new. Well, you are in luck because a great way to make it more relaxing is by investing in some patio furniture cushions for it.

Sure, this might seem like a quick fix that is too good to be true. However, patio furniture cushions really are the solution to your problem. They feature thick padding that is encased in a soft, plush fabric that offers you one posh place to sit down and take it easy. Just think about it for a second. What would be better? Sitting down on a hard, flat wooden surface or sitting down on a thick, padded cushion. The second option, right, and that is why if you get some for the furnishing that you have outdoors, you will then be giving yourself a pleasant place to unwind.

The nice thing about patio furniture cushions is how there are ones available for pretty much every outdoor furnishing option. For instance, you can purchase one for your Adirondack chairs for both the seat and seat back of the chair. And, if you have a foot rest or ottoman where you like to put your feet up, you can also get one for that foot rest and ottoman as well. There are also selections that are ideal for using with chaise lounges and a slew of other furnishings including settees, porch swings, garden benches, regular patio chairs, and outdoor rocking chairs.

Not only will patio furniture cushions make the furniture in your outdoor space more comfortable, but it is also a great way to add some style to it as well. This is because they are available in all sorts of colors, textures, and patterns, creating eye-catching choices that will definitely add to the overall look of your outdoor space. For example, if you think that your outdoor space is kind of on the boring side, you can easily breathe some life into it with ones that are vibrant colors like red, orange, or yellow. A patterned option would also be a great choice here too. Or, if you want something that is a little more subtle, yet still pleasing to the eye, you could go with a textured option that is a beautiful taupe or antique beige color.

Thinking that patio furniture cushions are something that you want to look into purchasing? If you said yes to that question, then a great way for you to check out all those options is by simply going on the Internet for some online comparison shopping. This seriously is the route to go since you do not have to step one foot out of your home to do it and what you buy will then be sent right to you. So, no having to worry about having to haul anything anywhere.

Basically, patio furniture cushions are just a great way to make your furniture more comfortable and pleasing to the eye. Get yours today so you can start reaping the benefits of having them in place tomorrow.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of numerous niche online stores that offer customers not only products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating indoor and outdoor living spaces. Whether you want to renew your deck or patio with Adirondack Chairs or create the ultimate living environment with furniture that is perfect for entertaining, there is a lot of helpful advice to take advantage of to make it happen. Click today and indulge your senses.


Internet Marketing - Why Internet Marketing is So Important

When most people first sign up for a business opportunity they are SO excited to get started. They have bought into the hype that all they need to do is sign up with this system and you will start making thousands of dollars in no time at all. But one thing these opportunities fail to mention is how to market your new business opportunity.

Would you place your yellow pages ad in the wrong category? Would you pay thousands of dollars to film a commercial only for it to play when no one is watching TV? Would you put a billboard on a road that no one travels? Would you sell golf equipment to someone who plays baseball? Get the picture?

You have to market your business opportunity to people who are interested in what you have to offer. The number one problem with marketing your online business today is that companies are trying to convince you to buy their generic leads but those leads may not be looking for a business opportunity. Therefore, you have just spent the majority of your budget on useless leads and then you wonder why you aren't making any money.

So how do you market your business opportunity to the right audience?

1. The first thing you need to do is get your own capture page. This is your business! People are tired of seeing the same old generic sites when they are presented with a business opportunity. They can't relate to the person behind the site. If you are going to spend your hard earned money to invest in a business opportunity, would you rather go with a site like everyone else's and not know who your sponsor is or would you rather join with someone you can relate to and feel like they will be there to help you every step of the way?

2. Start a Blog because blogs are really popular on the internet right now. Make your blog informative and just write about how you got started and why you went with the business opportunity that you are currently in. Remember, people relate to people so you would rather have people join your business that are really interested in you and your product. Those people will usually end up being the most productive members of your team. You can blog about your product, talk about its features, the benefits, how it can help others, etc. Be sure to update it on a regular basis.

3. Article marketing is still a very popular way to advertise your product for free. It can position you as an expert in your chosen niche which is really important in convincing others to believe in you and your products. Write about what you have learned since having your own business. Even if you feel you have nothing important to write about, people can relate to others even if it's telling them what not to do.

4. Create a video of you talking about your product, your team or why you got into this industry. Whatever topic you think others may be interested in hearing about. Open an account on YouTube and place all your videos for others to see. You can get an inexpensive webcam to start with and then use Windows Movie Maker to place your website link either in or at the end of your video. It's a free way to make your video more presentable. Just put yourself in your customers shoes and what do you think they would want to know about you, your product or your service.

5. Social Networking has become even more popular online today. Create a profile on MySpace and write about how you got into the business, put your videos on your profile and any other pertinent information you feel others may be interested in. It's a great place to meet others in internet marketing as well.

I hope some of these tips have been helpful in how to promote your business to the right audience. Marketing your business can really be a fun experience.

Adrienne Smith is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. She enjoys helping others succeed in all areas of their life. To read more about her, please visit her website at
