Thursday, March 26, 2009

How To Think & Grow Rich - Learn to Live Your Dreams

A number of years ago I began to think about my life and how I wanted it to be instead of how it currently was. Not that I had anything to complain about, I had a well paid job in the corporate world, a nice car, a nice home, good friends and a wonderful family. But life was like living on a treadmill just going round and round, nothing changing. When I sat down and thought about it I accepted it was a good life but not as fulfilling as I wanted it to be & it was very routine.

One day I sat down and thought about what I truly did want to be doing. I decided that it was time to start living my dreams instead of just dreaming them inside my mind. I wanted to become a Complementary Therapist & instead of selling man made chemical drugs as I was at the time. I wanted to help people using natural methods and help improve the quality of their lives & to help them to take back some of the responsibility for their lives. I wanted to empower myself & in doing this be able to help others to do the same.

So, I sat down & thought about what I wanted. I wrote down on paper just what I wanted to become & I believed that I was already becoming it & guess what? Magic began to happen. I began to attract into my life exactly what I wanted. I found courses and teachers, clients just appeared to find me, new friends who were like minded began to appear and my income just kept rising. The best thing of all about this was that I was earning good money but on my terms doing something I absolutely loved. It never felt like work there were no Monday morning blues, no trying to think of excuses to get out of doing things, just motivation to be doing more of what I was doing.

Over the years if I needed a new focus then I just sat down and thought about where I wanted to be going & the 'signs' would appear to guide me there.

It was less than 2 years ago that I decided I wanted to free up more of my time. Therapies are great but can be very time consuming and it was time to be looking for something less intense. I now wanted to enjoy therapies as a hobby rather than my main form of income. I have been 'unemployable' in the conventional sense for many years so another 'job' was never an option. I was searching for something that involved me working from home on my terms. Not only did it have to free up my time it had to be very profitable financially & it had to be something where I could continue to help people enrich their lives & their experiences & to achieve success like me.

So, yet again I put this down onto paper in a vague loose sort of way. I was not entirely certain what it was that I wanted to do but I knew that by asking for help that I would be shown a way. One day not very long after this I saw a pop up advert on the internet. I clicked on it as it resonated with me. I knew immediately this was my next step, it was perfect for me on every count. It ticked all the boxes. It allowed me to create more time for me & my family, it allowed me to earn far more money than I previously dreamed would be possible, it allowed me to help others to do the same.
Although I have used this process for many years I still marvel at the magic of attraction & manifestation. Over these years I have unconsciously done what Napoleon Hill teaches in his famous book 'Think & Grow Rich.'

So how did I do this?

I began with a single thought - I wanted to be doing something better, different & more profitable with my life. Not only that, I wanted to be able to achieve this using less of my time and energy than before. I wanted my time free for my family so that we could be doing even more fun things. On top of this I wanted to be able to help others achieve success. Where possible I was very specific.

I kept these thoughts as a focus in my mind and then I wrote them down onto paper I asked for help and I put a time frame onto it. The action of putting pen to paper is such a powerful boost to the energy behind those thoughts. It propels them & is the process that turns them into reality. Not only did I have the thoughts and transfer them to paper but I also had the burning desire & determination in my mind and whole being that I was going to achieve this and more.

I also stated that in getting what I wanted it was not going to be a purely selfish act. Part of my master plan was to be able to help others to achieve their dreams and goals too.

I asked for this to happen within a time frame.

Although I did not yet have a plan to put into action I did focus very strongly on knowing that when the opportunity came my way I would recognise it and act upon it immediately.

All this was written down and placed in a prominent position where I read it several times a day and I truly believed it was coming to me.

Failure was never an option, in fact the concept of failure never even entered my mind. All you need to focus on is this small formula.

Faith mixed with Desire + Belief = Result!

Brigitte Mehr is an internet marketing trainer & coach
She is owner & creator of &


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