Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Rich Jerk - Other Ways to Make Money From Home!

The research I have done with this program is basically surface. I want to make money just as much as the next guy, but with a little more humility I suppose. I found the Jerk's attitude and arrogance to be overwhelming and annoying. I have looked all over the internet in search of an ultimate wealth package and have tried many home-based businesses in order to find what some people call rich money.

When I stumbled upon "The Rich Jerk" I was very interested at first, because he mentioned filthy rich, which made my ears perk up. Anyone that loves money, knows how great it would be to say they were filthy rich. But as I kept reading the cover page I became disgusted with the fact that this "Jerk" is promising me all the wealth he has and more, but calling me a loser in the process. I have played sports and I understand the call you loser technique to scare you into breaking down. But for me as an intrigued customer it was hard to be beaten down by someone and then expected to buy his products.

This just isn't the sales in which I am used to nor do I want to practice. I have been interested in online marketing and home based businesses for some time now. I have done my fair share of research with many on the internet. I really don't feel as if this is something or someone whom I want to be associated with. When it comes to making money I am very sure he makes a lot, but I don't agree with the way he flaunts it nor the way he makes himself look in the process. Plus to buy his program it only cost $10, due to other experiences I really believe you get what you pay for. There is absolutely nothing special about this product that you can't find somewhere else. All of the perks that he displays and offers you, someone else is doing the same thing.

At the very end of his pitch he tells you that if you can't afford the $10 dollars to sign up with his program then you don't deserve his help and to go on with your miserable existence. This is not how anyone wants to be talked too. I really want to say try this system, but I can't find it in myself to tell anyone to try it. If you want to be talked down to and belittled then join the military and enjoy boot camp.

Cory Anthony Swink


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